
إنتاج أفلام متحركة لقصص اللاجئين

بەرهەمهێنانی فیلمی مۆبایل بۆ چیرۆكی پەنابەران

Mülteci Hikayeleri için Mobil Film Prodüksiyonu

CFI Medias, Al Jazeera Medya Enstitüsü ile ortaklaşa Mülteci Hikayeleri için Mobil Film Prodüksiyonu’nun bir başka ayağını düzenledi. Eğitim kapsamında Lübnan, …

Training Journalists on Refugee Stories

The right storytelling can be a powerful tool in educating and informing the public about the state of the refugees, and ...

Peacebuilding Led by Women

Giving vulnerable groups the appropriate knowledge at the appropriate time is a form of empowerment. It gives individuals the ability to ...

Painting the Walls with Their Hopes and Dreams!

100 children worked together to paint a massive mural in Doueir Public School in Lebanon. The mural allowed the children to ...

Women and Children Find Meaning in Arts & Crafts

In Lebanon, the Qudra 2 programme reinforces the national protection system by supporting the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and improving the ...

Tomorrow Will be Better - Psychosocial Support Sessions give Hope to Children and Restore their Self-Confidence

“He is no longer afraid of people around him and playing with other children. Alhamdulillah, I see him happy,” says Ibrahim’s ...