Host Community and Refugees in Küçükçekmece
Need Analysis and Perception

Küçükçekmece is the second largest district of İstanbul. With a population of more than eight hundred thousand, of which 10% are a refugees, the municipality faces a challenge to meet the needs of the community with its limited sources.

With the support of Qudra 2, the municipality commissioned a team of academics from the Turkish-German University Migration and Integration Research Center (TAGU) to conduct an in-depth needs assessment.

More than 750 Syrian and 750 local people participated in the study! The analysis identifies the main problem areas and presents possible solutions. Results show that peer bullying, high rents and low wage jobs are leading the main problems. Protection and legal support needs rank the top among other expectations of refugees towards the municipality. Yet many of the refugees are happy to have access to education and receive in-kind support. 

The results will feed a more comprehensive strategy to be developed by Küçükçekmece Municipality to continue providing services more effectively for a better future.

Click below to read the details of the results!


Host Community and Refugees in Küçükçekmece - TUR

Host Community and Refugees in Küçükçekmece - ENG