Irak’ta Kapsamlı Tarım Desteği

Qudra 2, Irak’taki tarım sektörüne altyapının rehabilite edilmesinden eğitim ve tarımsal girdiler sağlanması ve yerel çiftçi örgütlerinin güçlendirilmesine kadar değişen kapsamlı destekler sağlamaktadır.

Qudra 2, Irak’ta zarar görmüş veya ihmal edilmiş tarımsal altyapıyı rehabilite ederek tarımsal kalkınmaya katkıda bulunmaktadır. Rehabilitasyon çalışmaları şunları kapsamaktadır: (i) Sulama kanallarının genişletilmesi ve rehabilitasyonu, (ii) Taşkın kapakları ve savakların bakımı, (iii) Su pompalama istasyonları, (iv) Su kayıplarını azaltmak ve daha fazla çiftlik ve tarım alanının sulanmasını güvence altına almak için su kaynaklarının temizlenmesi ve çevresine beton döşenmesi, (v) Zeytinyağı üretimi için depoların yenilenmesi ve büyük ölçekli işleme makinelerinin satın alınması.

Daha Fazla Gelir Elde Edilmesi için Tarım Eğitimleri ve Hibeler

Tarım altyapısının rehabilitasyonu, daha fazla gelir elde edilmesini sağlamak için ilave tarım eğitimi ve ayni desteklerle tamamlanmaktadır. Dezavantajlı durumdaki 796 çiftçiye yoğun eğitimler verildi. Bunun dışında 650’den fazla kişi, gıda üretimini başlatmak veya büyütmek için, sulama sistemleri, rehabilite edilmiş seralara erişim, besi hayvanları, tavuk kuluçka makineleri, tohum ve gübre dahil olmak üzere tamamlayıcı ayni destek aldı. Bu destek aynı zamanda kırsal kesimdeki ailelerin gıda güvenliğini artırdı ve onlar için gelir olanakları yarattı. Model çiftlik, yerel çiftçilere, tarımı daha sürdürülebilir ve iklim değişikliğine karşı dirençli hale getirebilecek olan, onarıcı tarımdaki yeni teknikleri gösteriyor.

Altyapı, eğitim ve girdilere yönelik destek, üyelerine daha iyi hizmet sunabilmeleri için çiftçi birliklerine verilen destekler ile tamamlanmaktadır.

IKB’de Yerel STK Rwanga Tarafından 80 Küçük Ölçekli Çiftçiye Tarım Eğitimi Uygulanması

Gıda güvenliğini ve kırsal ekonomik kalkınmayı iyileştirmek ve Irak’ta daha dirençli toplulukları desteklemek için, küçük ölçekli çiftçiler, riskleri azaltma ve değişen ekonomik ve çevresel zorluklara uyum sağlama bilgisi ile donatılmalıdır.

Irak, iklim değişikliğinden en çok etkilenen ilk beş ülke arasında yer almaktadır. Başta, artan aşırı sıcaklık olayları ve değişken yağış rejimleri çiftçileri olumsuz olarak etkilemektedir. Dolayısıyla, tarımsal verimlilik ve çeşitlilik son on yılda önemli ölçüde azaldı. Buna ek olarak, Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya açtığı savaş durumu daha da kötüleştirmiş ve Irak’ın tarım sisteminin mahsul ve kimyasal girdi ithalatına olan bağımlılığını ortaya çıkarmıştır.

Gıda güvenliğini ve kırsal ekonomik kalkınmayı iyileştirmek ve Irak’ta daha dirençli toplulukları desteklemek için, küçük ölçekli çiftçiler, riskleri azaltma ve değişen ekonomik ve çevresel zorluklara uyum sağlama bilgisi ile donatılmalıdır.

Qudra 2 programı ve yerel bir STK olan Rwanga, Süleymaniye ve Halepçe vilayetlerinde kadınlar dahil 80 çiftçiye Çalışma ve Sosyal İşler Bakanlığı (ÇSİB) tarafından önerilen 45 günlük bir eğitim  programı sağlayacak. Bu kapsamda 10 gün uygulamalı eğitim, 10 gün ise “İşi Öğren” eğitimi verilecek.

Eğitim, mevcut tarım sisteminden kaynaklanan sorunlara yönelik pratik çözümleri ve bir yandan verimliliği artırırken diğer yandan değişen iklime nasıl uyum sağlanması gerektiğini kapsayacak.

Eğitim aşağıdaki konuları içerecek:

  • Mevcut tarım sistemiyle ilgili riskler, örn. tek ürün ekimi, kimyasal gübre ve zararlı mücadele ilaçlarının kullanımı
  • Geliştirilmiş sulama yöntemleri ve yağmur suyu hasadı
  • Küçük ve büyük baş hayvancılık sistemleri; ham madde ve otomatik teknolojik donanım gibi dış girdiler ithal edilmeden üretkenliğin ve verimliliğin nasıl artırılacağı
  • Toprak sağlığı ve toprak verimliliğinin nasıl geliştirileceği

Ayrıca, büyük arazi sahiplerine ait tarım arazilerinde uygulamalı eğitimler verilerek tüm faydalanıcılar arasında bir ağ kurulacaktır.

Eğitim, küresel gıda krizine hızlı bir şekilde yanıt vermek için tasarlanmıştır. Teorik bilginin anlaşılmasını ve hem çiftlikte hem de piyasada hemen uygulamaya konulabilmesini sağlamak için uygulama ve işletme eğitim oturumlarını içermektedir.

Eğitim tamamlandığında, deneyimli bir tarım uzmanı tüm yararlanıcıları takip edecek ve çiftçilerin başlangıçtaki her türlü zorluğun üstesinden gelebilmesini sağlamak için uzman rehberliği sağlayacaktır.

Eğitim, Çalışma ve Sosyal İşler Bakanlığı (ÇSİB) kılavuz ilkelerine uygun olarak tasarlanmış ve dolayısıyla gelecekteki eğitim veya iş fırsatları için onaylanmıştır. Ayrıca, eğitim içerikleri yerel Tarım Müdürlükleri (TM’ler) ile sıkı bir şekilde koordine edilecektir.

Comprehensive Support for Agriculture in Iraq

In Iraq, Qudra 2 provides comprehensive support to the agricultural sector ranging from rehabilitating infrastructure to providing training and agricultural inputs and strengthening local farmers’ organisations.

In Iraq, Qudra 2 contributes to agricultural development by rehabilitating agricultural infrastructure that has been damaged or neglected. The rehabilitation work covers (i) the extension and rehabilitation of irrigation canals, (ii) maintenance of flood gates and sluices, (iii) water pumping stations, (iv) cleaning and laying concrete around water sources to reduce water losses and secure irrigation for more farms and agricultural areas and (v) warehouse renovation and procurement of large-scale processing machines for olive oil production.

“Before the rehabilitation for the warehouse in Tal Afar, our farmers had to travel to Mosul to pick up any pesticides, seeds or fertilizers subsidized by the government or bought in the market. Travels impose extra costs on farmers who barely make ends meet and it might also create difficulties for them at the checkpoints as these items cannot easily be transferred. With the rehabilitation of the warehouse in Tal Afar, the Directorate of Agriculture can once again provide support the people.”
- Mr Salim, Head of Directorate of Agriculture, Tal Afar

Agriculture Training and Grants for Increased Income Generation

The rehabilitation of agriculture infrastructure is complemented by additional agriculture training and in-kind support to ensure increased income generation. Intensive training was provided to 796 vulnerable farmers. Over 650 additional persons have received complementary in-kind support to start or expand food production, including irrigation systems, access to rehabilitated greenhouses, livestock, chicken incubators, seeds and fertilisers, which improve food security for rural families and create income opportunities. A model farm exposes local farmers to novel techniques in regenerative agriculture that can make agriculture more sustainable and resilient to climate change.

The support for infrastructure, training and inputs is complemented by support to farmers’ associations to provide better services to their members.

Implementation of Agricultural Training for 80 Small-Scale Farmers by Local NGO Rwanga in KRI

In order to improve food security, rural economic development, and foster more resilient communities in Iraq, small-scale farmers must be equipped with the knowledge to mitigate risks and adapt to the changing economic and environmental challenges.

Iraq is among the top five countries most affected by climate change. Primarily, increased extreme temperature events and changing rain patterns negatively impact farmers. Consequently, agricultural productivity and diversity have significantly decreased in the last decade. In addition, Russia’s war on Ukraine has aggravated the situation and revealed the dependence of Iraq’s agricultural system on imports of crops and chemical inputs.

In order to improve food security, rural economic development, and foster more resilient communities in Iraq, small-scale farmers must be equipped with the knowledge to mitigate risks and adapt to the changing economic and environmental challenges.

The Qudra 2 programme, and the local NGO Rwanga, will provide 80 farmers, from the two governorates of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja, including women, with a 45-day training programme as recommended by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA). Ten days will be practical training, and another ten days will be “Know-About-Business” training.

The training will cover practical solutions to challenges stemming from the current agricultural system and how to adapt to the changing climate while improving productivity.

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Risks associated with the current agricultural system, e.g. monocropping, use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides
  • Improved irrigation methods and rainwater harvesting
  • Small and large animal systems; how to increase productivity and efficiency without the import of external inputs, such as raw materials and automated technological equipment
  • How to improve soil health and soil fertility

In addition, a network between all beneficiaries will be established by conducting practical training on farmland belonging to large landowners.

The training is designed to respond rapidly to the global food crisis. It includes practical and business training sessions to ensure that the theoretical knowledge is understood and can be immediately put into practice, both on the farm and at the market.

When the training is complete, an experienced agriculture expert will follow up with each beneficiary and provide expert guidance to ensure that farmers can overcome any initial challenges.

The training design follows the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) guidelines and is thus approved for any future education or job opportunities. In addition, the training contents will be closely coordinated with the local Directorates of Agriculture (DoA).

People In Iraq Depend On Agriculture and Food Production For Their Livelihoods

Many people in Iraq depend on agriculture and food production for their livelihoods.

Qudra 2 focuses on supporting employment and income generation for the most vulnerable. Together with our local partner, Rehabilitation, Education and Community Health (REACH), eight main irrigation canals have been rehabilitated in Kirkuk, Iraq to create the basis for a more productive agricultural economy. The infrastructure improvements benefit hundreds of farms.

In addition, 62 vulnerable farmers were directly supported through agriculture grants, training and individual veterinary visits and consultations. Also, 33 people received training and in-kind grants. For some, this was seed funding to establish a start-up. In contrast, for others, it was a business development grant for their small business to increase revenue and potentially employ more people.

To show vulnerable farmers alternatives to their current practices that build on their existing resources, the Qudra 2 programme and the experts of Permaculture Resources Ireland have set up a demonstration farm in Ayadiyah, Nineveh. The farm is located on land allocated by the Directorate of Agriculture.

So far, 84 men have received training on permaculture. Trainees were encouraged to value a diversity of crops, taught how to cultivate soil and harvest more water, and how to combine animal and plant systems.

By diversifying crops away from monocultures, farmers can generate more stable incomes and promote sustainability. Building soil, and managing plant and animal systems, reduces their dependency on external inputs such as fertilisers. They will receive a grant to put their learning to practice. The trainees will be supported with monitoring visits and mentoring sessions for the next six months to ensure that the support provided has an impact.

Additional training is planned for 56 women to support them in producing food to meet their families’ basic needs.

Qudra 2 and Permaculture Resources Ireland also provided introductory training for 20 women from Qudra 2’s local partner Amalna Centre in Mosul. The garden of the community centre , which generally provides MHPSS services primarily to local women, was designed together with the women to create a safe, productive, and beautiful space. The garden also demonstrates urban agriculture methods such as growing food in small places, using water efficiently and producing on vertical surfaces – all by reusing materials available at home. A second training phase will focus specifically on creating direct income-generating options.

Harvest Time in Iraq

Qudra 2, in cooperation with the private sector, continues its efforts to get young people into jobs by supporting training courses in sectors where employers are looking for employees.

In Iraq, almost 50% of agricultural production is destroyed before reaching the final consumer. Al-Aghsan Foundation for Agriculture & Environment Development has supported the participants in its greenhouse training to find eco-friendly and economical ways to bring their crops to market.

390 young people who participated in practical training now know better how to pack, transport, and sell their products with fewer losses, helping them to grow their businesses.

Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) Provide a Flexible Response to Emerging Challenges

In Iraq, many schools are confronted with an increased number of students due to large-scale displacement. Some schools run up to three shifts daily, putting pressure on school buildings and contributing to poor learning environments.

Qudra 2 supports local governments’ efforts by rehabilitating schools through Quick Impact Projects to provide students with better and safer learning environments. The work done in school buildings mainly focuses on rehabilitating facilities, electrical safety, waterproofing of roofs, repair of doors and windows and barrier-free access to the classrooms for students with special needs.

The rehabilitation work concluded in Amin Zaki School in Sulaymaniyah included fixing a leaking roof, which immediately reduced class disruptions. Also, the newly constructed cafeteria provides children with a safe space to relax during breaks and interact with peers.

I truly can see the results reflecting positively in our students’ behaviour. Students feel better when they see their learning environment has improved. In the end, students who have a better attitude are more open to learning and work harder,” says Ahmed Abdullah, the principal of Amin Zaki School, which was renovated with Qudra 2.

As of 2022, rehabilitation in six more schools has begun. An additional six school rehabilitations are planned in Duhok, Halabja, Anbar and Nineveh.