Colour a #BetterFuture together! - Strengthening Resilience through the Arts

Together with its partner Artolution, Qudra 2 in Jordan kicked off the “Creative Education: Strengthening Resilience through the Arts” project in March 2022. Artolution’s methodology uses various collaborative art-making techniques that provide a platform for vulnerable young people to shape their own narratives and build positive relationships, thereby strengthening social cohesion. The project will be implemented in 12 schools targeting 600 students aged 10-18.

Training on Artolution’s methodology was conducted for 12 teaching artists to equip them with the knowledge and skills required to lead the students through the creative process. Students are guided to conceptualise their art, collaborate with their peers, and produce an original work of art that they can present to the broader community.

By the end of June, the creative arts project had been implemented in four schools in the Zarqa and Irbid Governorates in eastern and northern Jordan. 210 Jordanian and Syrian students participated in the arts activities such as mural painting, dance, and theatre performances.

You can watch their performance here