As the Coronavirus outbreak forces us to stay inside, the GIZ regional programme Sport for Development (S4D) together with the emergency pedagogy teams of the NGO Friends for Waldorf Education (FEW) have adapted their support in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) to this new reality: S4D coaches, youth leaders and instructors produce daily videos to keep their teams active, healthy and fit at home. Videos produced on, for example, goalkeeping or fitness training are published on the S4D YouTube Channel and are also disseminated among other digital platforms to give easy access to the team members.
In Central Iraq, Mosul, our NGO partner Amalna provides psychosocial support (PSS) and awareness-raising sessions at the family level through the mobile counsellors. A hotline for tele-counselling was introduced to provide 24-hour access to help on domestic violence. Upon request, person to person counselling is arranged at the Jawsaq centre while of course adhering to social distancing rules. PSS was also provided to those hospitalized for COVID-19.