Qudra 2 continues with its support for safe learning spaces through improving facility management at public schools

Qudra 2 will continue its support for safe learning spaces through improving facility management at public schools. Guidelines are being developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and training will be provided to educators and administrators. These will also address how schools can improve the safety of children in the face of COVID-19.

To ensure safe school transport a steering committee, co-chaired by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Transportation, is being set up. The committee will guide efforts to make sure that school transport is safer for all children. In parallel to the support for the transport to the educational institutes, preparations for the new school year under the COVID-19 is ongoing in cooperation with Ministry of Education based on the recommendations shared in the Education during Emergency Plan 2020-2022 which focuses on developing interactive distant learning and media channeled approaches to ensure learning continuity.

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