Interactive Webinars kickstart Work Based Learning Model development

To promote Work-Based Learning (WBL) as an essential component of vocational training programmes and a vital approach to employment, Enabel conducted a series of four webinars to establish a foundation for drafting a WBL Jordanian model and implementation plan as part of the “Developing skills for employability of Syrian refugees and vulnerable youth in Jordan” component of the Qudra 2 programme. The four webinars were held on the 13th, 15th, 17th, and 20th of September 2020.

The series of webinars incorporated the private sector’s perspective and established a learning environment where information and lessons learned were exchanged by presenting national, regional and international points of view related to implementing different forms of WBL (apprenticeships, internships, on-the-job training).

The four webinars tackled the definition and types of work-based learning; tools and mechanisms for implementing WBL-schemes; as well as policy issues surrounding its introduction. National, regional and international case studies were presented, and participants discussed quality assurance and the formal recognition of WBL.

The elite group of speakers represented national and international organisations and bodies including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the European Training Foundation (ETF), Enabel Palestine, International Labour Organisation (ILO), Technical Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC), National Employment and Training Co. (NET), and sectoral skills development councils.

Between 30-40 participants attended each webinar and represented a variety of organisations including Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, NGOs, INGOs, governmental entities and private sector enterprises.
The webinars resulted in a set of clear steps and key elements for applying the WBL approach. These emphasised the importance of building institutional partnerships among VET sector stakeholders and defining their roles and responsibilities holistically with a special eye on the private sector perspective.

Watch the webinar series here

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